Camel case is the camel pattern with empty string delimiter.
Camel case is also known as mixed case or lower camel case (to distinguish it from pascal case).
Known Literature
Google’s C++ style guide refers to camel case as mixed case, and further describes how you would define the words that compose an identifier, and then even mentions abbreviations. 1
For the purposes of the naming rules below, a “word” is anything that you would write in English without internal spaces. This includes abbreviations, such as acronyms and initialisms. For names written in mixed case (also sometimes referred to as “camel case” or “Pascal case”), in which the first letter of each word is capitalized, prefer to capitalize abbreviations as single words, e.g., StartRpc() rather than StartRPC().
Variables and functions in Java are written in camel case.
public int addTwo(int a) {
int numberPlusTwo = a + 2;
return numberPlusTwo;