

A pattern is a series of word cases. It describes how each word in a multiword identifier is cased.

The following is a table of cases:

pattern name series example
lower lower, lower, … my word list
upper upper, upper, … MY WORD LIST
capitalized capitalized, capitalized, … My Word List
sentence capitalized, lower, lower, … My word list
camel lower, capitalized, capitalized, … my Word List

A series isn’t the most precise definition. A series assumes we have a list of words of undefined length, or arbitrary length. In practice, multiword identifiers have a known fixed length. We could more generally define a pattern as a function takes a known length $n$ and produces a list of word cases with length $n$.

For example, we would define a pattern where the final word is uppercase, but all previous words are lowercase.

todo: consider redefining pattern and wordcase to be functions of the length of the word list/word